Start saving for a deposit

Having a deposit is key to being able to get on to the property ladder, mortgages are now available with as little as a 5% deposit but get in touch to see how different levels of deposits may impact you.


Speak to a Broker

While you are saving for a deposit get in touch so we can help you make an action plan, how much can you borrow, how much money will you need, what is affordable to you. We can also assist in obtaining an Agreement in Principle, this will mean you are pre-approved for a set borrowing limit allowing you to be confident in obtaining a mortgage and puts you in a great position with estate agents when you are out viewing properties.


House Hunting

I always recommend we get a mortgage Agreed in principle prior to starting to look for a property. This means you can look with confidence and saves disappointment.


Offer on a property

At this stage you will negotiate between the agents and the vendor (homeowner) to agree a price and secure your purchase. To ensure you are as attractive as a potential buyer as possible it is important to have a mortgage Agreed in Principle and if you are selling your home to know where you are up to with your sale and the chain details involved.


Speak to your broker again

Finalise your mortgage needs and formally apply for the mortgage.


Choose Solicitors

It is so important to choose a good solicitor as they play such a huge part of the process. We can happily provide a free no obligation quote from one of our recommended solicitors or perhaps you have someone you have used before or someone that has been recommend by friends or family.


Instruct Survey

When you are buying a home, the lender will require you to have a basic valuation on the property to confirm the property is enough security, however it is vital that you too know the property is a sensible and safe investment. Speak to us to discuss your survey options.


Protect your Family

Taking out a mortgage is a huge financial commitment; it is so important that you protect yourselves and your home to keep you financially secure whatever life may throw at you. At this stage we will discuss with you any existing cover you have in place, benefits provided by employers and make sure you have the necessary insurances in place.


Exchange of contracts

You are getting close now, this is the stage at which sale contracts that have been signed by each party are exchanged meaning each party will now have a copy of the contract signed by the other party. At this stage the sale becomes legally binding and pulling out of the sale would come at considerable financial penalty, you also set a moving in date (completion date) and need make sure your relevant insurances are in place.



Ta da you are now a homeowner, Congratulations. The mortgage funds will be released from the lender and you can collect your keys.